
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Visualizations of Obama Policies

If you have ever struggled visualizing large sums of money and/or any other of Obama's policies, I think you will greatly appreciate each of these videos. They are simple, easy to follow videos that make it easy to understand the policies of the Obama administration. These videos were produced by the people at Political Math. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!!

CBS Early Show Discusses Sarah Palin

The Early Show on CBS had a good discussion about the future of Sarah Palin. At this point I'm torn on this issue. Of the current top three canidates for the GOP Palin, Romney, and Huckabee I'm not quite sure who would be the best for the party. Each one has drawbacks and strenghts. Three years will change a lot as who would have guessed Obama would have been the Democratic nominee in 2005? Take a look.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Caption Time!!!

CAPTION TIME!!! Take a look at the following picture and create a caption that fits the picture. Who can come up with the best caption?

Week In Review

The newest feature here at God, Family, America is a week in review. This will be an area to discuss opinions about the week. I will post what I see at the top five stories of the week. So, here we go.

The winners of the week of July 19-24 are:

  • 5. CBO begins downfall of Universal Health care - With the CBO coming out and announcing how much spending was involved in the health care bill we saw support drasticlly begin to decrease. As the numbers spread, both Blue Dog Democrats and American citizens really started to understand just what was involved in these bills. This will go down a the beginning of the end for any current form of health care reform.
  • 4. 40th Anniversary of Moon Landing - For one day, the anniversary of the Appollo 11 landing and then the walk on the moon dominated the news. This story has brought up many discussions of the future of space exploration. When will we go back to the moon? Will man walk on Mars? No matter your view of our space program, the discussion that arises is interesting and provides good discussion.
  • 3. Blue Dogs Halt Health Care - While Obama tries to claim it is the Republicans that have caused a delay in health care legislation, the real story is that the Blue Dog Democrats have been the biggest force behind the stalling of the bill. While Republicans have been forcefull at bringing out many of the details of the bill, we all know that if the Blue Dogs gave support to the bill, it would easily pass.
  • 2. Obama says cops act "stupidly" - This story was created by Obama himself. Without knowledge of the situation, Obama decided to defend his friend and attack cops serving their society. Even the Obama friendly media has come out saying that he made a huge mistake with this comment. Will this comment hurt Obama much in the long run, probably not but it does clearly show his stance on racial issues for those who doubted.
  • 1. Obama Approval Ratings Drop - The number 1 story of the week is the approval ratings of Obama have dropped to below 50% for the first time in his Presidency. Because of Obama's inability to sell the public on his health care plan, we have witnessed Obama's approval ratings drop in every poll. Americans are beginning to understand what they signed up for when they put Obama into office. They are seeing his socialist policies and the majority of Americans still believe in smaller government.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Christian Executed for Distributing Bible

Often, as American Christians, we forget how lucky and blessed we have it in this country. We can share our faith without fear for our lives. We can practice out faith however we see as most glorifying to Christ. Yet, we often forget that this is not life in much of the world. Many countries do not allow their citizens to even read the Bible or discuss the teachings of Christ. Today, I read a story that North Korea executed a Christian simply for distributing Bibles. While it does not come as much of a surprise coming from North Korea, it is eye opening. It makes me wonder, am I doing enough to go into the world and share the gospel? This is a question every Christian should ask themselves. What are you doing to spread the gospel?

Rush: 'The Press Has Met Their Waterloo & It's Obama'

Obama's Approval Now 49%

Rasmussen Reports daily tracking poll now shows Obama's approval rating has dropped below 50% for the first time in his Presidency. The gap between strongly approve and strongly disapprove is even greater. 8% more people strongly disapprove of Obama (see chart below).

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama "Vicotry" Not Goal in Afghanistan

Fox News is reporting that Obama does not necessarily see victory as the goal in Afghanistan. Obama told ABC News:

"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur"

What is Obama doing to this country? First, he has attempted to "transform" this country into a socialist country as fast as he possibly can. Second, he has traveled the world trying to apologize for the "wrongs" of America in the past. You know the "wrongs" like freeing Europe from Nazi control. The "wrong" of providing more relief than any other country, by a long shot, to disaster ridden countries. The "wrong" of defending human rights, democracy, and freedom everywhere we possibly can.

Thank goodness that George Bush was able to win a clear victory in Iraq prior to leaving office. We now have a President that doesn't see victory as the primary goal in Afghanistan. Yet, we have a President that is increasing the number of American soldiers in Afghanistan to fight for a what? I always thought we fought wars for victory. There has never been a nation to fight a war to simply fight a war; they have always had a goal, usually to win.


How Quickly a Night Changes Things

Wasn't it just this week that Obama was stating he wanted a health care bill before the summer recess? Well after his worst press conference yet he now says it is okay for it not to pass yet. His new deadline is now the fall. What will it be after that? Will Obama ever get off the campaign trail and begin to govern instead of running for President?

More Americans Believe Stimulus Hurt Economy Than Helped

Rasmussen Reports latest poll shows a clear picture of how American citizens feel about the stimulus bill that the President said must not be delayed. According to the newest poll only 25% of Americans believe the stimulus bill helped the economy while 31% say it hurt. Furthermore, American citizens do not want to any type of second stimulus. This report has many good signs for conservatives as more than 51% of respondents support an "across-the-board tax cut."

Forty-five percent (45%) of Americans say the rest of the new government spending authorized in the first stimulus plan should now be canceled. Thirty-six percent (36%) disagree, and 20% are not sure.

However, while voters are opposed to another spending stimulus plan, 51% favor an across-the-board tax cut for all Americans.

The administration’s biggest current economic initiative, a retooling of the U.S. health care system, is now drawing increasing criticism as well. Fifty-three percent (53%) of voters oppose the health care reform plan proposed by the president and congressional Democrats.

Just 20% now say health care reform is the most important of the four budget priorities Obama laid out early in his presidency. Nearly twice as many (37%) say deficit reduction is the number one priority.

Fifty-one percent (51%) of voters worry that the government will try to do too much to fix the country’s economic problems, while 36% fear it won’t do enough. Seventy-six percent (76%) of Americans say it is at least somewhat likely that a large amount of money in the stimulus plan will be wasted due to inadequate government oversight.

The Wonder Years

Growing up is a time like no other in life. Very few responsibilities, time of exploration,and a time of enjoyment for many. Every event seems like the most important event ever, only to be outdone with the next issue to arise. Thinking back to the monumental moments and memories of childhood brings about many smiles.

One great memory of mine from childhood was watching the television show "The Wonder Years." To this day, I mark this show down as one of if not the greatest shows ever produced. The show brings thoughts of a simpler time. If you are like me, you could relate to so many of the moments we watched Kevin Arnold go through in the six seasons the show aired.

Fox News today has a picture Then and Now series giving an update about what the main characters of the show are up to today.

If you have any fond memories of this show post comments to share with everyone.

Obama Says He'll Now Tax Middle Class Families

Obama is not ruling out taxing middle class families to pay for his health care plan. Thanks to those at Hot Air for this video you will see Obama say that he will not sign a bill that is primarily funded by middle class. Therefore he is leaving open the possibility taxing middle class families. Isn't this exactly what he said would NEVER happen if elected? We knew he wouldn't keep this promise. I am somewhat surprised at how fast he has backpedaled on this promise...but again should I be?

Schwarzenegger With Knife

I found this video clip funny of Schwarzenegger holding big knife at the beginning of a Twitter video. Take a look.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Can I changes care delivery. NO!!!

If you missed the Presidential "News Conference" tonight here is a video of what I believe is the most significant line of the night. In it you will here Obama say that he will not rule out government intervention in health care delivery. Listen carefully from about 1:30 in the video. This is very telling about Obama's belief system when it comes to health care. He believes that bureaucrats can make better health care decisions than a patient and a doctor.

Link: O tonsils

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Glenn Beck: Barack Obama Doesn't Know What's in His Own Health Care Bill, Etc. [FOX News]

Presidential News Conference

What was talked about:

  1. Introduction - Say's recovery act has saved jobs. Where? The unemployment act has increased to 9.5% when the President said it would not top 8% with the recovery act. Reform health care = Socialized Health Care. We will get to keep our own health care...that is unless you want to change even one thing then you MUST join the government plan.
  • Does he do anything other than campaign. How about we act instead of talk. He acts if he doesn't play politics...I have not seen him do anything other than play politics for the last six months
  1. Question 1 - AP - Which ideas on how to pay for health care are you willing to share? Immediately he switches the question without answering. Back to his talking points. Limit deductions on "wealthy" - who will be "wealthy" under this plan? Aren't the "wealthy" Americans eventually going to run out of money to tax if we keep making them pay for every socialized program the President wants to implement?
  2. Question 2 - Why the rush on passing health care? - Good questions. Will he actually answer? Says without deadline it won't get done...In other words if I don't set a deadline I will have lost American support because my numbers are sinking fast. He won't sign a bill that he doesn't think will "work." Again, in other words if it is not a socialized system that will lead to a single payer system then it won't meet his standards.
  3. Question 3 - Explain how bill will expand coverage. Wants to cover everybody. There he goes. Without SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM we will not cover everyone. So, he will push for that single payer system but won't directly say that. Where does our Constitution say that the government should be "designing" health care?
  4. Question 4 - Do you admit that American's will have to sacrifice for this bill? American's will be sacrificing by waiting in long line...why won't he talk about this? Again he goes to his talking points and doesn't really answer the question of what American's will have to sacrifice. And now he decides to answer a question that was not asked. Why not just give a speech if you are not going to answer the questions? So now he is saying he has actually cut spending for the Bush years by trillions of dollar.
  5. Question 5 - What type of cuts will be made to medicare? Says it won't reduce medicare benefits. Not much said here.
  6. Question 6 - Are you fulfilling your promise of transparency? Good lead in to question outlining multiple areas of lack of transparency. Trying to defend his administration. Again not much.
  7. Question 7 - Does your administration need to take a harder line on Wall Street? Says steps taken have been the right steps. Says his steps are working and that financial system has bounced back. Says we need to pass financial regulatory reform because banks will go back to the same way they were before.
  8. Question 8 - Can you guarantee that the government will never deny any coverage? Second, will you and congress abide by the public option? Public plan will "largely" meet the congress plan. Therefore, he won't answer the question so if you are old or a high risk they will give your treatment to a younger person. HE WILL NOT GUARANTEE THAT GOVERNMENT WILL NOT BE INVOLVED IN DECISION. Congress will have say in what type of care doctors can give their patients
  9. Question 9 - What do you expect to achieve by going to Cleavland clinic? Missed answer
  10. Question 10 - Something about race relations? Missed beginning of question
Reflection - Not much answered.

Biggest statement - HE WILL NOT GUARANTEE THAT GOVERNMENT WILL NOT BE INVOLVED IN DECISION. This should be alarming to everyone. If government has the right to determine what type of care you can get you can count of a destruction of quality care.

Obama & CBO Chief Meet at WH

This story is still emerging, but Hot Air reported yesterday that Obama CBO to meet him at the White House. This should be concerning to all citizens as the CBO is supposed to be an independent office that answers to congress NOT the President. Yet here we have Obama taking his powers to another branch of government. It seems that Obama will do anything to force through this health care bill, just as he is with Cap-and-Trade, the bailouts, and stimulus. Fox news picked up on this story this morning. Take a look here at Special Report will also be reporting on this story as well.

Reforma - New RNC Health Care Ad

The newest RNC ad against the Presidents health care reform does a good job at making its point. Take a look.

AP Top Stories July 22

Your Childs History Class

As a history teacher this video was very significant to me. Many textbooks in this country are poorly written, with emphasis constantly placed in wrong areas.

Bobby Jindal on Health Care

In today's Wall Street Journal, Bobby Jindal outlines a 7 step plan to a health care plan that would be much improved over any plan currently being discussed in congress. Jindal's seven steps include:

  1. Consumer choice guided by transparency
  2. Aligned consumer interests
  3. Medical lawsuit reform
  4. Insurance reform
  5. Pooling for small businesses, the self-employed, and others
  6. Pay for performance, not activity
  7. Refundable tax credits
I highly recommend you check this article out and give it some thought.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Beck Goes Off! DO NOT MISS THIS! | The FOX Nation

Beck Goes Off! DO NOT MISS THIS! | The FOX Nation

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Patients United Now - "Survived"

Shona TV Spot - "Survived" - kewego
TV spot from Patients United Now highlighting Shona's Story.
Keywords: health care shona
Video from aforp

What's In A Trillion?

Does it seem like "A Trillion Dollars" is the new Billion to congress? Have you ever wondered what a Trillion dollars looks like? Well, the people over at have created a wonderful new video showcasing what a Trillion dollars look like. Think about it, this fiscal year, our government has proposed about 4 trillion dollars in spending; the largest in our countries history by 1 trillion dollars. Our government has proposed a 1.5 trillion dollar health care plan that we all know will cost more than the government tells us. There are reports that the TARP bailout will cost around 23 Trillion dollars. What other programs will our government create that the can place another trillion dollar price tag on? Why can't the government run like every family in America has too? If we don't have the money to buy something we live without it. It's time for the government to start living by this same principle; cut program, cut wast, cut administration, pay off debts, and protect American Citizens.

Democrats Vote Against Health Care Amendment

Watching Fox News and I hear that panel Democrats voted against a health care amendment that stated no one from the government could tell a doctor how to do their job (rough translation). Not a single Democrat voted for this amendment. If the government has the ability to tell doctors the type of treatment they must give, we can say goodbye to thousands of doctors. Furthermore, what will happen to the thousands of Catholic hospitals across this country. Are they now going to be forced to give abortion on-demand? As of now, Democrats wont put a provision in the bill for doctors to object based on religious beliefs. Some conservative Democrats are standing up for language excludes abortion from any government ran health care. They are saying they:

cannot support any health care reform proposal unless it explicitly excludes abortion from the scope of any government-defined or subsidized health insurance plan.

"One Small Step"

Here is an interesting look at our countries journey to the moon.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Crimal Trial for Terrorists?

Just what we need...terrorist being tried in criminal courts...great. How is this protecting America?

Socialized Health Care

Again, just like with the stimulus bill, the President wants congress to rush through a health care bill. Why would he want this? Simple, he knows that if the American people have time to read and or hear the contents of the bill, he would never have support. He doesn't even have support now before a bill is written.

You ever wonder what a socialized health care system is like? Steven Crowder from PJTV have a wonderful video showcasing the difficulties that come from a Canadian style system. If you have the time (twenty minutes) the following video is great. Some shocking scenes include:

  • Being told "Your young you have time"
  • Takes about 2-3 years to get a family doctor
  • One lady needed leg surgery. It took over a year and ended up needing both legs amputated.
  • Another guy needed a tetanus shot and was told they were out, come back later in the week.
  • Cost in taxes for a single parent making 35,000 a year. 59.6%

An Awe Inspiring Day

When I think of 40 years ago, I stand in awe. While I was yet to be born the impacts of that day are still felt today. The Lords creation stretches way beyond this planet and for humans to have the opportunity to explore just a fraction more of His great creation is amazing. As I sit here on the 40th anniversary of mans walking on the moon, I can only imagine what a future day may bring. Will be see man walk on the moon again? How about Mars? These are both realistic expectations in our life time. What would we find? Maybe not much, but one thing is for sure man would have the opportunity to explore another piece of Gods great creation. Take a second today and reflect on Gods creation and the ability he has given man to create a vehicle and travel out of this world. To me, it's awe inspiring.

Thank You Mr. President!

Thank you Mr. President for fulfilling your promise to unit the country. As news comes out of the Presidents positions on a number of issues, he is steadily uniting the country against him. The newest Rasmussen Reports poll shows the Presidents approval rating down to 50 percent; the lowest of his Presidency. Moreover, the President continues to unite the American people against his policy positions. This includes the American citizens opposing views on:

  • Global Warming
  • "Employee Free Choice Act"
  • Foreign Policy
  • "Redistributing wealth"
  • Health Care
Read more about how Americans are uniting more everyday against the Presidents policies in a great new article by Doug Patton titled I Was Wrong About Barack Obama

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AP News Top Stories

Is Health Care Really a "Rigt"?

What would the founding fathers say about health care being a "right?" What would they say about the increasing size of government? There was a reason why the 10th amendment was added to the Bill of Rights. The founding fathers did not want the federal government to grow to big.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

We now have a government that owns a car company, has billions invested in the banking system, and now wants to step into the health care business. Where will it stop?

The house is ready to declare that health care is a "right." This is even as the American support government run health care is rapidly decreasing. Not only will they declare health care a right, it will cost the American tax payer 1.5 TRILLION dollars.

The liberal-leaning plan lacked figures on total costs, but a House Democratic aide said the total bill would add up to about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sen Graham Gets Tough

It is good to see Sen Graham come out and say what many are thinking about Sotomayor's "Wise Latina" comment. Graham states that if a white male would have said anything similar to Sotomayor's comment they would "have his head."

So Much for 8% Unemployment

So much for that 8% unemployment that the President and Democrats were predicting if the stimulus bill passed. Unemployment is currently at 9.5% and all predictions point to about 11% unemployment. It would not surprise me see it rise even higher than that will all the new taxes that are going to be placed on small businesses through Cap-and-Tax and the Health Care Bill. Obama is now saying, "My expectation is that we will probably continue to see unemployment tick up for several months."

Out of Control Spending...When Will We Learn?

For many Americans it is sickening to see the how fast the spending in this country is increasing. Under George W. Bush we saw spending grow much more than most fiscal conservatives would ever support. The Democrats were crying out about the out of control spending and now that they control both houses of Congress and the Presidency they now endorse an even greater increase in spending. I'm young but it is becoming more and more evident that I will never see this country out of debt again in my life. I pray that my kids and/or grand kids will see the United States as a debt free country again.

Here's what CBO predicts will happen if we continue current policies:

Next year, our debt will exceed 60 percent of our total economic output, or gross domestic product (GDP). We would not meet the standards Poland and Estonia needed to qualify for admission into the European Union.

In 2023, our debt will exceed 100 percent of GDP - the highest level since World War II ended.

By 2076, debt will be more than 6.5 times GDP. Put differently, with current policies, there's no chance that children born today will get much of their promised Social Security and Medicare benefits.

Sotomayar on "Wise Latina" comment, "It was bad"

The Sotomayor show continued again today. While it is almost certain the Democrats already have the votes to confirm Sotomayor it is interesting to see how she responds to some of the questions asked by Republicans. Anyone following the Sotomayor confirmation over the past few months could have easily guessed that the question of the "Wise Latina" was sure to come up. Wasting no time, Republicans pressed Sotomayor on this statement today.

Sotomayor seemed to backpedal the intent of this comment. I for one am not convinced on her backpedal either is Eva Rodriguez at the Washington Post as she points out:

I found it hard to believe that Sotomayor has now come to the realization that her words left a wrong impression. After all, she delivered similar lines in roughly half a dozen speeches throughout the years. Her explanation came across as dodgy at best and disingenuous at worst.

It will be interesting to see how she responds to continued pressing from Republicans on the issue of a "Wise Latina." Moreover, we have yet to hear much about her decision in the Ricci case.

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